Legal Notice

The owner of the website (the "Website") is the entity LIFE SCIENCE PRAXIS, S.L. ("LSpraxis"), whose identification data are detailed below:

  • Registered office: C/ Almogavers 83-85 SA1, 08018 Barcelona Spain
  • VAT number: ESB-65808552
  • E-mail:
  • Telephone: (+34) 610 545 732
  • Registration data: Recorded with the Commercial Registry of Barcelona at volume 43200, folio 219 and sheet number B-426622.

This Legal Notice governs the access and use of the Website by users.

Access to the Website

The access and/or use of the Website implies the acceptance of the Legal Notice.

The user must read the Legal Notice carefully when he/she intends to use the Website, as it may be modified at any time. If you do not accept this Legal Notice, please refrain from using the Website and its content.

Use of the Website

The user agrees to use this Website, and all its content, in accordance with the provisions of current Law, the Legal Notice and, where appropriate, the other terms and conditions set forth in the Website.

Likewise, the user undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and/or contents of the Website and not to use them to carry out illicit activities and/or activities that infringe the rights of third parties. In this sense, the user undertakes not to transmit, introduce, disseminate or make available to other users any type of material and information that is contrary to the Law and this Legal Notice. In this connection, the user agrees to:

  • Not to disseminate contents of a violent, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorist apology nature and/or that violate human rights and the fundamental rights of individuals.
  • Not to introduce viruses, scripts or harmful software susceptible to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software or hardware.
  • Not to interfere with or condition in any way the security of the Website or misuse its resources, services and products available.
  • Not to access, modify, adapt and/or reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise interfere with the Site.
  • Not to carry out actions that may disable, overload or affect the operation of the Web.

In the event of any infringement of this Legal Notice or, as the case may be, any other terms and conditions of the Website, LSpraxis reserves the right to limit, suspend and/or terminate access to the Website, taking whatever action is necessary to that effect.

LSpraxis makes every effort to keep the Website in good working order, to avoid errors or, where appropriate, to fix them. However, LSpraxis does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the Website or the absence of errors in its contents, or that they are properly updated.


The access to the Website as the use of any information that the Website contains is realized under the exclusive liability of the user.

LSpraxis is not liable for any damage and/or prejudice that may derive, directly or indirectly, from the access or use of the information contained in the Website and, especially, of that information relative to third parties other than LSpraxis, including - and without limiting it- those produced in the computer systems or those provoked by the introduction of virus and/or computer attacks and neither will be responsible for the damages that the users may suffer for an inadequate use of the Website nor for the falls, interruptions, absence or defect in the communications and/or in Internet.

LSpraxis will not be liable for the damages produced in the software and/or hardware of the users derived from the access and/or use of the Website.

The user agrees to hold harmless LSpraxis from any possible claim or sanction that it may be obliged to bear as a consequence of the non-compliance by the user of the regulations in force and of the Legal Notice. LSpraxis reserves the right to request the compensation for damages that corresponds to the users who make an inappropriate use of the Website or do not respect the Legal Notice.

Linking policy

  1. Website Links

    Anyone who intends to include in a website ("Linked Site") a link to the Website, or a framing with the same, must comply with the Law in force and, in no case, may host content, own or third party, which (i) are unlawful, harmful, violent, racist, denigrating, etc.; and/or (ii) are inappropriate or irrelevant in relation to the activity and products and/or services of LSpraxis.

    Under no circumstances does the link imply that LSpraxis endorses, promotes, guarantees, supervises and/or recommends the content and/or services of the Linked Site, although it is responsible for the content.

    In the event of a breach of any of the above terms, the Linked Site shall immediately remove the link to the Website.

  2. Links to other Websites

    The Website can include different links that allow the user to access other webs ("Linked Webs").

    In no case, the existence of Linked Webs implies recommendation, promotion, identification and/or conformity of LSpraxis with the manifestations, contents and/or services provided by means of the Linked Webs.

    Consequently, LSpraxis is not liable for the content, terms and conditions of the Linked Webs, and the user is solely responsible for checking and accepting them each time he/she accesses and uses them.

Intellectual and industrial property

All intellectual property rights on the different elements and contents of the Website (texts, graphics, photographs, videos, icons, sound recordings, color combinations, source codes, etc.) [the "Contents"], as well as its structure, selection and order, are owned by LSpraxis or, if applicable, by its licensors.

Likewise, the distinctive signs and domain name of the Website are ownership of LSpraxis or, as the case may be, of the licensors without it can be understood that the access to the Website attributes any right on them.

Consequently, it is expressly prohibited to the user the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction and/or any other form of diffusion not expressly authorized of the Website, the Contents and/or the distinctive signs of LSpraxis.

The unauthorized use of the Contents, as well as the damages caused in the rights of intellectual and industrial property of LSpraxis, can give rise to the exercise of the actions that legally correspond to him, and the responsibilities that, in its case, are derived.

Social Networks

LSpraxis has profiles in some social networks (such as Linkedin), with the purpose of informing about its services and activities.

Users who join any of the profiles opened by LSpraxis in social networks will have to respect and comply with the terms and conditions of the relevant social network.

LSpraxis will be able to access to the information of public character of the users of the social network, send individual messages when the social network allows it, although they will not be incorporated to any file, unless the contrary is indicated.


If any of the clauses of this Legal Notice is declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness shall only affect that provision or the part of the same that is null or ineffective, and the same shall remain in force in all other respects, and the part of the same that is affected shall be deemed not to be in force.

To this effect, the Legal Notice shall only cease to be valid with respect to the invalid or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision of the same shall be null, invalid, impaired or affected by such invalidity or ineffectiveness, unless it is essential to affect the Legal Notice in its entirety.

Applicable Law, jurisdiction and competence

This Legal Notice and the rest of the legal texts shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Law in force.

In any case, in the event of any conflict and/or discrepancy in the interpretation and/or application of the Legal Notice, the Courts and Tribunals that, if applicable, will hear the matter will be those provided for in the applicable legal regulations.